14 March 2016 Hi everyone, Not even three weeks until we head down to ‘das kapital’! The way the post is, we may be there before this letter! At Joe’s Plunket appointment on 17 February he weighed 8.78 kg and measured 72 cm tall, he does seem so much heavier, especially after carrying him about for a while. He’s 50 th on the weight percentile and 70 th on the height. Joe’s climbing everything he’s able to, and trying everything else. Although not properly walking yet he gets up on to his digger has started to try to operate the digger arm and mimics the noise it’s ‘starter’ button makes. He loves the animals and escaped his compound on Friday, yes at 10 months and 11 days, to go visit Ruby cow, tethered just beside Joe’s area. It has been fortified, but Tony has received instruction for increasing the height of compound – it’s going to need to be like Fort Knox. Joe’s teething at the moment, poor lad. His top right front tooth is just through, but giving him trouble ...