Operant Conditioned Education, Religion in ECEs.
As an attachment parented child, when my child began daycare in October 2018 at, I was prepared to spend several weeks helping him transition to being at an early childcare centre away from his primary caregiver, me his Mum. Having a Playcentre ECE history and being securely attached, this transition took about 2 hours. I was at the centre long enough to observe the centre’s practice of Christian prayer in te reo, including the leading teacher demonstrating clasping hands in prayer, before meals. I raised this, first with a teacher, then the receptionist and had a discussion and meeting with the manager. During this meeting I explained our family’s belief, that we are atheists and felt prayer was inappropriate in our majority-secular and multi-denomination society [1] . The manager informed me that I should have asked before enrolling my child and the karakia was part of her Maōri culture. We had a discussion around tra...